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Analysis On Thermal Behaviour Of The Sink And Die Area With Different Thermal Interface Material For High Power Light Emitting Diodes Light & Engineering Vol. 28, No. 5

Light & Engineering 28 (5)

Volume 28
Date of publication 10/16/2020
Pages 116–126


Analysis On Thermal Behaviour Of The Sink And Die Area With Different Thermal Interface Material For High Power Light Emitting Diodes Light & Engineering Vol. 28, No. 5
Articles authors:
Debashis Raul, Kamalika Ghosh

Debashis Raul did his B.E. in Electronics & Communication Engineering from West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT). He passed M.E. from Jadavpur University in Electrical Engineering (Illumination Engg.). He has four years teaching experiences as an Assistant Professor at Camellia Institute of Engg. & Technology under WBUT. At present, he is Guest Faculty and Senior Research Fellow (SRF) at School of Illumination Science, Engineering & Design (SISED), Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India

Kamalika Ghosh, Ph. D. (Eng.), Former Director of School of Illumination Science, Engineering and Design, Jadavpur University, India. She has 20 years industrial and 23 years academic experiences. She has published about 100 nos. of papers in National and international journals and conferences. She has supervised several Ph. D. works, reviewed multiple nos. of external Ph. D. thesis, reviewed papers of international journal. She is a Life Fellow of Institution of Engineers, India; Indian Society of Lighting Engineers

Its self-heating process directly affects the optical performance and reliability of light – emitting diodes (LEDs). It is important to disperse the generated heat from LED to surrounding atmosphere and keep the LED light performances same as declared by the manufacturer. Thermal interface material (TIM) is applied in between sink and source to reduce contact resistance at the junction between substrate and heat sink interface of the LED modules. This paper provides an assessment on ‘thermal interface materials’. Here different TIM materials used and the performance and problems of these commercial interface materials are discussed. From this study, one can calculate the temperature distribution in the sink area for different types of TIM materials under thermal conductivity perspective and be able to find the capability of dissipation of heat at the end surfaces of heat sinks, and design their system as well. In another process, TIMs with different thickness and input drive currents for the COB-based LED are investigated by using COMSOL simulation software. The results show that the junction temperature of the LED luminaire increases and reduce the lifetime when the input drive current and thickness of the TIM layers increase.
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