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A Novel Strategy For Transformation Of Conventional Road Lighting To Smart Road Lighting Light & Engineering Vol. 28, No. 5

Light & Engineering 28 (5)

Volume 28
Date of publication 10/16/2020
Pages 97–105


A Novel Strategy For Transformation Of Conventional Road Lighting To Smart Road Lighting Light & Engineering Vol. 28, No. 5
Articles authors:
Mustafa Eyyup Gursoy, Burak Dindar, Omer Gul

Mustafa Eyyup Gursoy received B. Sc. degree at Electrical Engineering Department from Istanbul Technical University in 2019. He is an M. Sc. student. His research areas include smart road lighting and energy saving

Burak Dindar received his B. Sc. degree at Electrical Engineering Department from Kocaeli University in 2016. He works at the Electrical Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University as a research assistant and he is an M. Sc. student in same department. His main research interests include smart grid, electricity distribution system and power quality

Omer Gul received B. Sc., the M. Sc. and Ph.D. degrees at Electrical Engineering Department from Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey in 1991, 1995, and 2001, respectively. He had been at UMIST, Manchester, UK, as a visitor researcher for six months during 1999 – 2000. He is recipient Award 2001 Siemens excellence researcher. His research areas include smart distribution system, electricity market, power quality and efficiency, electrical safety and lighting, electrical project management. He is presently working at Istanbul Technical University as an Associate Prof

In recent years, smart road lighting (SRL) design and application researches has been increasing rapidly. However, SRL applications remain pilotproject and cannot become widespread sufficiently. Main reason for this is that, although the cost of production of LED luminaires is reduced, when existing road lighting systems are transformed to LED road lighting, existing electrical installations and lighting poles cannot be used. Increased investment costs due to electrical installation and poles renovation, decrease interest in SRL transformation. In this study, an innovative solution is developed to decrease the costs of the SRL. First, a new LED luminaire is designed, which can work without changing the installations and poles of the existing projects. Then a test road is created using DIALux software, and the newly designed lighting installation is compared with completely redesigned one and conventional road lighting. Thus, contributions are provided for spreading of the SRL transformation, using low cost SRL approach.
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