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Analytic Representation of Relation between Solar Altitude Angle and Local Time for Calculating Daylight Irradiance and Illuminance of the Earth Surface. L&E 28 (4) 2020

Light & Engineering 28 (4)

Volume 28
Date of publication 08/15/2020
Pages 34–38


Analytic Representation of Relation between Solar Altitude Angle and Local Time for Calculating Daylight Irradiance and Illuminance of the Earth Surface. L&E 28 (4) 2020
Articles authors:
Alexander V. Leonidov

Alexander V. Leonidov, Ph.D. in Technical Science, graduated from MPEI in 1970 by speciality light and engineering and sources of light. Currently, he is a retired freelance researcher

The analytic expression which sets relation between the solar altitude angle and local time at a random point of the Earth surface on a random day of a year is obtained. The obtained expression and derived relations allow one to conduct calculations of daylight irradiance and illuminance of the Earth surface in analytic form.
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