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International Activity in Field of Light and Engineering: Creative Report. L&E 28 (3) 2020

Light & Engineering 28 (3)

Volume 28
Date of publication 06/01/2020
Pages 4–9


International Activity in Field of Light and Engineering: Creative Report. L&E 28 (3) 2020
Articles authors:
Julian B. Aizenberg

Prof. Dr. of Technical science, graduated from the Moscow Power Institute in 1954, General Editor of Svetotekhnika/ Light & Engineering Journal and chief researcher of VNISI named after S.I. Vavilov, Full Member of the Academy of Electro-technical Sciences of the Russian Federation, Honoured inventor of the RF


This article is not a memoir. It aims at summing up the author’s activity (in a concise way) in solving the challenge he set for himself: to assist in development of Russian lighting engineering industry with consideration of the greatest achievements in design of lighting devices, their manufacturing technologies and the newest high-performance equipment as much as possible.

The author considered it important not just to sum up 65 years of his activity in light engineering and industry but also to provide the new generation of specialists with an opportunity to know and use the accumulated information and ways to take this opportunity for the benefit of Russian industry.

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