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User Lighting Preferences Based on Navigation and Space Quality in Virtual Exhibition Environments L&E 28 (2) 2020

Light & Engineering 28 (2)

Volume 28
Date of publication 04/13/2020
Pages 28–37


User Lighting Preferences Based on Navigation and Space Quality in Virtual Exhibition Environments L&E 28 (2) 2020
Articles authors:
Aslıhan Çevik, Tuğçe Kazanasmaz, Hasan Engin Duran

Aslıhan Çevik, Res. Asst. She is currently working on her master thesis in İzmir Institute  of Technology. She holds Architecture undergraduate degree from Yeditepe University. Her research topics are architectural lighting, and building physics; at present, she is a Research Assistant in İzmir Institute of Technology, Turkey

Tugce Kazanasmaz, Dr. of Philosophy in Building Science from Middle East Technical University (METU), Professor. She has 21 years academic experience in architectural lighting, building physics, and energy-efficient design. At present, she is a Professor in the Department of Architecture at Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey

Hasan Engin Duran, Dr. of Philosophy in Economics from the University of Venice, Associate Professor. He has 16 years academic experience in regional growth, development, convergence and income inequalities, statistical analysis, and research methods. At present, he is an Associate Professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning Department in Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey

Just as any other interior environment, lighting of exhibition spaces must be examined to enhance its visual quality and comfort. In this study, user behaviour, perception and impressions are analyzed for more comprehensive understanding by including subjective reasoning. Due to the chaotic progress and contradictory choices in exhibition lighting, daylight is mostly avoided while the role of users and relation between quantitative and qualitative parameters are often neglected. A series of sample exhibition spaces illuminated either artificially or by daylight are modelled virtually in Lumion software to be evaluated in a three-step questionnaire. A total of 90 participants are selected from three different professions (architects, visitors, artists), their reaction like movement, preference and impressions are gathered via questionnaire while moving through the model. The study aims to find out the role of lighting type in exhibition navigation and its relation with non-lighting parameters using statistical analysis methods. Results show that natural light is preferred more in sculpture exhibition while artificial light is preferred in painting exhibition. Movement towards daylight increases in transition areas and towards the end of the exhibition. A significant difference in navigation choices are found between professions, architects preferred to move towards more natural light while artists preferred artificial light.
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