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Improvement of Majolica Lighting at the Komsomolskaya –  Radial Metro Station L&E 28 (2) 2020

Light & Engineering 28 (2)

Volume 28
Date of publication 04/13/2020
Pages 47–53


Improvement of Majolica Lighting at the Komsomolskaya – Radial Metro Station L&E 28 (2) 2020
Articles authors:
Alexander E. Guliev

Alexander E. Guliev, Master Degree in Electronics and Nanoelectronics, Theoretical and Applied Light Engineering education programme (2019, NIU MEI). At present, he is post-graduate student with NIU MEI (field: Electrical and  Heat Engineering) and light engineering specialist with International Light & Engineering Corporation BL GROUP

The article describes solving of one of the most important problems of perception of architectural decoration of metro stations: removal of veiling reflections on glazed mosaics and majolica caused by  lighting devices.
A number of lighting methods reducing luminance of the veiling reflections is analysed. 
Their efficiency is exemplified by lighting of the Mine Laying majolica (based on sketches by Eugene Lancer) at the Komsomolskaya station of Moscow Metro. The content of the article relates not only to metro stations but to any areas with reflective or glazed  surfaces.
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9. Attachment to Pattern Approval Certificate of Measuring Instruments No. 52728.
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