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Concerning the Concept of Light-Colour Arrangement of the Urban Environment in the Central Part of Tyumen L&E 28 (1) 2020

Light & Engineering 28 (1)

Volume 28
Date of publication 02/20/2020
Pages 34-42


Concerning the Concept of Light-Colour Arrangement of the Urban Environment in the Central Part of Tyumen L&E 28 (1) 2020
Articles authors:
Nikolay I. Shchepetkov, Svetlana B. Kapeleva, Denis V. Bugaev, Gregory S. Matovnikov, Anna S. Kostareva

Nikolay I. Shchepetkov, Dr. of Architecture, Professor. At present, he is a head of the Architectural Physics Department of Moscow Architecture Institute, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (for architectural lighting of Moscow), Editorial Board Member of the Light & Engineering Journal

Svetlana B. Kapeleva, Professor, Ph.D. of Pedagogic Sciences. In 1978, she graduated from Sverdlovsk Architecture Institute. At present, she is Director of ARHID NIU, Honorary architect of Russia, Honorary specialist in higher professional education of Russia, member of the board of the Tyumen branch of the Union of Architects of Russia, and member of FUMO Architectural Environment Design board

Denis V. Bugaev, architect. In 2002, he graduated from UralGAHA. At present, he is the Associate Professor of the Architectural Environment Design subdepartment of ARHID TIU, member of the Union of Architects of Russia

Gregory S. Matovnikov, Ph.D. of Architecture, Associate professor of Architectural Physics subdepartment of MARHI (SA)

Anna S. Kostareva, architect, Master Degree in Architectural Environment Design (2019, TGASU)

The article provides a comprehensive analysis of outdoor lighting in the central part of Tyumen (with consideration of conducted field observations) and prospects of its development on the basis of the general plan of illumination of the central part of the city being under design. Main provisions of this general plan as well as methodological principles and assessment criteria of design solutions illustrat-ed by photographs, schemes and visualisations of the illuminated objects are described.
1. Tyumen. A Travel Guide [Tyumen. SpravochnikPutevoditel]. – Sverdlovsk: Middle Urals Publishing House [Sredneuralskoye knizhnoye izdatelstvo], 1970, 178 p.
2. Zavarikhin, S.P., Zhuchenko, B.A. Architecture of Tyumen [Arkhitektura Tyumeni]. – Tyumen: Raduga-T, 2004, 296 p.
3. Kostareva, A.S., Ovcharov, A.T. Chaos of the City Light Environment (as Exemplified by Tyumen) [Khaos v svetovoy srede goroda (na primere goroda Tyumeni] / Architecture and Arhcitectural environment: Matters of Historical and Contemporary Development, 2018, Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: collected papers; ed.-in-chief V.N. Evseev, Tyumen: TIU, 2018, pp. 240–246.
4. Shchepetkov, N.I. Urban Light Design [Svetovoy dizain goroda] // Arkhitektura-S, 2006, 320 p.
5. Matovnikov, G.S. The Principles of Light Environment Formation of Pedestrian Streets (as Exemplified by Moscow) [Printsipy formirovaniya svetovoy sredy peshekhodnykh ulits goroda (na primere Moskvy)] / Synopsis of Candidate of Architecture Thesis, Moscow, 2017.
6. Shchepetkov, N.I., Budak, V.P. The Results of the Light Design Problem Discussion. Editorial Board’s Conclusion [Itogi diskussii po probleme svetodizaina. Resume redaktsii] // Svetotekhnika, 2018, #6, pp. 74–76.
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