
A new metric (Rp,2019) is defined as a light source to predict the subjective colour preference impression of an interior scene containing coloured objects illuminated by this light source. The metric is based on the CIE2017 Colour Fidelity Index and the TM-30-15 Colour Vector Graphic. In addition to its dependence on object saturation level, the metric also includes the dependence on correlated colour temperature and on the characteristic illuminance level at the plane on which the coloured objects are arranged. The scale of the metric is labeled with criterion values corresponding to “good” or “very good” colour preference. The aim is to help lighting designers and engineers to determine the illuminance level, colour temperature and object saturation necessary to achieve “good” or “very good” colour preference.
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- colour quality
- colour preference
- colour preference metric
- colour fidelity
- colour gamut
- colour saturation
- correlated colour temperature
- illuminance level
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