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Bistatic Underwater Optical-Electronic Communication: Field Experiments of 2017-2018. L&E 27 (5) 2019

Light & Engineering 27 (5)

Volume 27
Date of publication 10/25/2019
Pages 97-102


Bistatic Underwater Optical-Electronic Communication: Field Experiments of 2017-2018. L&E 27 (5) 2019
Articles authors:
Vladimir V. Belov, Vladimir N. Abramochkin, Yuri V. Gridnev, Andrei N. Kudryavtsev, Mikhail V. Tarasenkov, Andrei V. Fedosov

Vladimir V. Belov, Prof., Dr. of Phys.math. Sciences, graduated from Tomsk State University in 1971. At present, he is the Head of laboratory of V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Russian Academy of Sciences (SB), Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, his research interests: the theory of optical radiation transfer in scattering and absorbing media, the theory of laser sensing, the theory of vision, atmospheric correction of aerospace images of the earth’s surface, the Monte Carlo method, multiple scattering

Vladimir N. Abramochkin, Ph.D. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences. In 1992, graduated from the N.E. Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy‎. Senior Researcher of IAO SB RAS. Research Interests: optoelectronic communication

Yuri V. Gridnev, engineer. In 1981, graduated from TPI. Researcher of IAO SB RAS. Research Interests: system programming

Andrei N. Kudryavtsev, engineer. In 2003, graduated from TUSUR. Senior electronic engineer of IAO SB RAS. Research Interests: laser power measurement instruments, laser strobing devices, electronic schemes, PFGA, microcontrollers, sodars

Mikhail V. Tarasenkov, Ph.D. in Phys. and Math. Science. He graduated from the Tomsk State University (TSU) in 2007. Senior researcher at the Zuev Institute of atmospheric optics. Research interests: analysis of regularities of image formation through the atmosphere, atmospheric correction of images in the visible and UV radiation ranges, theoretical research on communication channels outside the line of sight

Andrei V. Fedosov, technician. Graduated from the Radioassembling college. Technician of IAO SB RAS. Research Interests: electronics

The article describes the results of experiments with underwater bistatic optoelectronic communication systems with scattered laser radiation as the source of information and the valid signal. The information reception distance of up to 40 m was gained in field conditions of lake water.
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