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Light in the Museum: Experiences and Challenges. L&E 27 (4) 2019

Light & Engineering 27 (4)

Volume 27
Date of publication 09/12/2019
Pages 25-30


Light in the Museum: Experiences and Challenges. L&E 27 (4) 2019
Articles authors:
Lyubov E. Volgina

Lyubov E.Volgina, engineer. She Graduated from Moscow Power Engineering Institute with specialtyin Light and Engineering and Light Sources in 1986. At present, she is a Head of Electrical Equipment Department of the State Tretyakov Gallery

The article is focused on the peculiarities of the lighting in the museum halls, restoration workshops, depositories, the operation of lighting equipment, and the organization of exhibition lighting in the halls of the State Tretyakov Gallery. Initial focus areas in the development of technical specifications for accent lighting equipment have been outlined. The information may be useful to the staff of museums, galleries, etc. engaged in the exhibition activities.
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