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Architectural Lighting in Museums. L&E 27 (4) 2019

Light & Engineering 27 (4)

Volume 27
Date of publication 09/12/2019
Pages 43–52


Architectural Lighting in Museums. L&E 27 (4) 2019
Articles authors:
Nikolay I. Shchepetkov

Nikolay I. Shchepetkov, Dr. of Architecture, Professor. At present, he is a head of the Architectural Physics Department of Moscow Architecture Institute, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (for architectural lighting of Moscow), Editorial Board Member of the Light & Engineering Journal

The role of light, mainly daylight, in the museum interiors is considered in three areas of its dominant usage: light for architecture, light for an exhibited item, and light as an exhibited item. This is predetermined by the architectural concept of the museum, due to the creative position of the architect, the author of the project creating a spatial composition of a museum building or complex with one or another daylighting system. Architectural form making is directly related to the nature of the exhibition lighting solution. Examples are given, mainly, from a varied foreign practice of modern museum construction on the projects of famous architects of the 20th-21th centuries in three classified areas.
1. Revyakin V.I. Muzei mira [World Museums] // Inform Express Publ., Moscow, 1993, 244 p.
2. Nasybullina R.A. Arhitekturno-hudozhestvennaia rolТ estestvennogo sveta v formirovanii vnutren nego prostranstva zdaniiТ v sovremennoiТ arhitekture [Architectural and artistic role of natural light in the formation of the internal space of buildings in modern architecture] // Thesis abstract of the Ph.D., Architecture, N. Novgorod, 2018.
3. Libeskind D//.Newsweek, 2018 URL: (http:// (reference date 25.05.2018)
4. Plummer H. The Architecture of Natural Light //. London: Thames and Hudson Ltd., 2012, 256 p.
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