At present, in optical remote sensing of atmosphere from space, a new problem class appears: to determine little gas components (carbon dioxide, methane, etc.), which cause greenhouse effect. Concentration of these gases in atmosphere is less than one percent, which rigidly limits accuracy of satellite measurements and of simulating spatial concentration of the radiation (signal) flow reflected by Earth. In the article, a description of simulating signals received by satellite spectrometer in nearinfrared spectrum region is given. The signals are solar radiation passed through an atmosphere layer and reflected from Earth surface. It is calculated based on parametrical radiation atmosphere scattering and absorption model, which takes into consideration both multidimensional atmosphere parameter structure and Earth surface relief. Accounting such information allows you to go from measurement of spatial radiation flux to calculations of gas concentration for an arbitrary geographical Earth surface point and for any time point. As an example, calculations for Fourier spectrometer for spectrum measurement near IR region with an average spectral resolution are presented. The spectrometer was installed on the GOSAT satellite of the Space Agency of Japan. A comparison of computed and of really measured values of the signal received by the satellite shows that deviation for the Sun zenith angle equal to 30o does not exceed 3 %.
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