
Dental treatment zone and operation field illuminance estimation were made in this study. Treatment zone illuminance was 500 lx under conventional fluorescent lamp based lighting and 1000 lx in a case of additional ceiling light use. Operation field illuminance under a dental operating light varied from 4000 lx to 14000 lx in dependence on an oral cavity zone and a patient position. The maximal illuminance level was achieved at upper incisors in a patient supine position, the minimal one was achieved at upper molars in patient upright position. Using of light emitting diode (LED) headlight increased the illuminance up to 2000 lx in average. The use of intraoral light sources provided adequate operating field illuminance in range (7000–18000) lx in molars area where illumination of dental operating light are not enough. The study results allow recommendation of ceiling lights and intraoral lights as additional light sources.
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