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 Light & Engineering 26 (3)

Light & Engineering 26 (3)

Volume 26
Date of publication 09/28/2018
Pages 81-87


On the Efficiency of Lighting by LEDs in Visual Work. L&E 26 (3) 2018
Articles authors:
Svetlana A. Amelkina, Olga E. Zheleznikova, Lyudmila V. Sinitsyna

Svetlana A. Amelkina Ph. D., Associate Professor. She graduated from the Light and Engineering faculty of the Ogarev Mordovia State University in 1989. Currently, she is Associate Professor of the Department of Light and Engineering and Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering at Ogarev Mordovia State University

Olga E. Zheleznikova, Ph.D., Associate Professor. She graduated from the Lighting Engineering Faculty of FSBEI HE National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University in 1989. At present, she is the Head of the Light and Engineering Department of FSBEI HE National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University and Honoured Worker of Higher Education of the Republic of Mordovia

Lyudmila V. Sinitsyna, Ph.D., Associate Professor. She graduated from the Lighting Engineering Faculty of FSBEI HE National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, in 1978. At present, she is in staff of the Department of Light Sources of FSBEI HE National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University

It is experimentally found that LEDs illumination does not cause a negative influence on visual organs and human body as a whole. It is shown that changes of visual organ functional indices for visual operations are within the correspondent boundaries of physiological fluctuations and have a reversible nature. Integral indices of LEDs illumination efficiency from visual working capacity and visual fatigue degree are estimated. A practical importance of the obtained results is shown.
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