Main technological approaches to production of lightconducting systems with scattering microstructures are considered with a special attention to processing method of the optical material influence on geometrical parameters of the being formed microstructure. Relevance of it is caused by an insufficiency of studying influence of the microstructural scattering element configuration distortion on output luminance distribution of the lightconducting systems (because of the technological features of their production). As exemplified by a lightconducting system made by milling technology, a physically correct simulation of this system is carried out, and influence of the microstructure relief on output luminance distribution is shown. For the simulation, the Lumicept program system was used, which has provided physical correctness of the modelling results.
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- lightconducting plate
- scattering microstructures
- microrelief errors
- illumination LED panels
- computer simulation
- luminance distribution
- design
- lightconducting illumination devices
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