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Light & Engineering 26 (2)

Light & Engineering 26 (2)

Volume 26
Date of publication 07/01/2018
Pages 156-161


Daylight in Underground Spaces . L&E 26 (2) 2018
Articles authors:
Alexei K. Solovyov

Alexei K. Solovyov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Advisor to RAASN, Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He graduated in 1965 from Moscow Institute named after V.V. Kuibyshev. At present, he is the Professor of the department “Design of buildings and structures” (former department of “Architecture of civil and industrial buildings”) of the NRU MGSU. He is a member of the editorial board of the Svetotekhnika / Light & Engineering journals and has the titles of Honorary Builder of the Russian Federation and Honoured Worker of the Higher School of Russia

Underground spaces in town centres present a big attraction for investors. However, they put special requirements to the internal environment. Those requirements can be fulfilled by means of daylighting. Examples of lighting of underground spaces are discussed. It is shown that the common systems of natural lighting are not always possible to use and cause big heat losses. Hollow light guide pipes allow avoid the shortcomings of common daylight systems. Method of calculation of daylight factors from hollow light guide pipes is shown. The results of calculation of daylight factors under the light guide pipes of different diameters in the different depths are presented.
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2. Solovyev A.K. Hollow tubular light guides: Their application for natural illumination of buildings and energy saving. //Light & Engineering. 2012. V.20. No 1, pp.40–49.
3. Kusnetsov A.L., Oseledets E. Ju., Solovyov A.K., Stolyarov M.V. Experience of application of hollow tubular light guides for natural illumination in Russia. // Light & Engineering. 2012. V.20. No 3, pp.62–70.
4. Tageslicht im Untergrund. Innovative Tageslichtlenkung in der Metro von Kopenhagen. // Tageslicht (Sonderausabe der Zeitschrift “Licht”. 2004. No 1. pp.8–9.
5. Solovyov A.K., Tusnina O.A. Comparative heat calculation of upper daylight systems (skylights and hollow tubular light guides). // Civil engineering journal, 2014, No 2, pp.24–35.
6. Solovyov A.K. Physic of environment. Manual for the specialty “ Design of Buildings”. ASV-press. Moscow, 2016, pp.341.
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