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Light & Engineering 26 (1)

Light & Engineering 26 (1)

Volume 26
Date of publication 03/30/2018
Pages 73-80


A Simple Method to Improve VCP by Reducing DGR in an Interior Lighting Installation. L&E 26 (1) 2018
Articles authors:
Madjidi Faramarz, Abedi Kamal ad-Din

has a B.S. degree in applied physics from National university of Iran, M.Sc. in both physics and occupational health engineering from Tehran university, and Ph.D. in environmental engineering. He is a lecturer at the school of health, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, where he has given many presentations and lectures mostly focusing on subjects like indoor lighting system measurement and design. His other main interested field of research is mathematical procedures to provide an appropriate model for measuring non-ionizing radiation based on the hot sources temperature in the working environments

Ph.D. in field occupational health engineering, graduated from Hamedan University of medical sciences, faculty of health in 2014. He has more than 7 years experience in education and research in the field harmful physical and chemical agents of workplace. He is now holding the position of Assistant Professor in Kurdistan University of medical sciences, faculty of health, lecturing radiation health and protection, and lighting engineering design. He is a member of Environmental health research centre at Kurdistan University of medical sciences

Discomfort glare rating (DGR) and Unified glare rating (UGR) are main models currently used as discomfort glare evaluation systems, both of which are calculated employing four factors including the luminaire size, the luminaire position relative to the observer, background luminance, and the luminaires number and location. This study aims at proposing a simple solution for reducing DGR and thereby increasing visual comfort perception (VCP) in an interior lighting system. The proposed solution is based solely on variations of luminaire surface area without change in other factors, e.g. candlepower and number and location of luminaires in the lighting system. To this end, firstly, the equations related to DGR were modified for a desired luminaire, and, secondly, by solving the modified equations, the new luminaire surface area was obtained, which caused DGR decrease and VCP improvement. Finally, by some modifications in the location of selected luminaires having main role on DGR, the VCP rose considerably.
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