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Evaluation of Illumination Quality Based on SpatialAngular Luminance Distribution. L&E 25 (4) 2017

Light & Engineering 25 (4)

Volume 25
Date of publication 12/20/2017
Pages 24-31


Evaluation of Illumination Quality Based on SpatialAngular Luminance Distribution. L&E 25 (4) 2017
Articles authors:
Vladimir P. Budak, Viktor S. Zheltov, Tatiana V. Smirnova (Meshkova), Renat Sh. Notfullin

Vladimir P. Budak, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences. In 1981, he graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI). At present, he is the Editor-in-Chief of the Svetotekhnika / Light & Engineering journals, Professor of the Subdepartment of Light and Engineering in NRU “MPEI”. Full member of the Academy of Electrotechnical Sciences of Russia

Viktor S. Zheltov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. Graduated in 2005 from the Subdepartment of Light and Engineering of NRU “MPEI”. Associate Professor of the subdepartment of Light and Engineering of NRU “MPEI”

Tatiana V. Smirnova (Meshkova), Ph. D. of Technical Sciences, M. Sc. (Environment Design), Senior Scientific Editor at the journal Light & Engineering. She is Senior Lecturer and teaches the course Fundamentals of Lighting Concepts at the Light and Engineering Subdepartment of NRU MPEI. Her scientific interests revolve around lighting quality, lighting design, visual experiments, and discomfort

Programmer, graduated from National and Research University “MPEI” Light and Engineering Chair in 2016

A new approach to the formulation of an illumination quality criterion based on an analysis of spatial-angular luminance distribution and of the properties of human sight is considered in this article. As part of the research, an experimental installation was developed to determine comfort and discomfort areas, which are inseparable from an assessment of illumination quality. A method for computer simulation of spatial-angular luminance distribution, based on local evaluations Monte-Carlo method is shown, which in future can facilitate moving from a preset illuminance distribution simulation to a preset quality simulation.
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