Vladimir I. Polyakov and Dmitry S. Strebkov Matrix solar cells for Conversion of Concentrated Radiation
Andreas Ludwig The Challenge is the Balance The Lighting Industry’s View on Energy Effi ciency and Lighting Quality
Andrey V. Aladov, Elena D. Vasilieva, Alexander L. Zakgeim, Gregory V. Itkinson, Vsevolod V. Lundin, Mikhail N. Mizerov, Victor M. Ustinov, and Andrey F. Tsatsul’nikov On Modern High-Power LEDs and their Lighting Application
Peter Dehoff Quality Criteria as Part of the European Standardization – the Revision of EN 12464–1 “Lighting of Interior Workplaces”
Zoltán Vas, Peter Bodrogi, János Schanda, and Géza Varady The Non-Additivity Phenomenon in Mesopic Photometry
Monica Säter User Responses to LED as a Guide for Energy Effi cient Lighting Applications in Domestic Environments
Sergey I. Lishik, Alexander A. Pautino, Valery S. Posedko, Yuri V. Trofimov, and Vitally I. Tsvirko Structural and Technological Solutions for Light-Emitting Diode Lamps of Direct Replacement
Inna V. Lyakisheva The First Case in Russia of Dynamic Illumination Using Light Emitting Diodes for a Museum Installation
Sergey A. Kobozev The Reconstruction of Illumination at the Moscow Metropolitan Stations
Mikhail V. Ryzhkov On Degradation and Failure of White LEDs
Vladislav A. Alpert Twenty Years of Experience in the Production and Operation of the URL-2 Vacuum Thermal Demercurization Equipment
Alexander V. Kochurov and Vladimir N. Timoshin Solutions to the Problems of Recycling Energy Saving Lamps Containing Mercury