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Light Planograph for Insolation Energy Characteristics of Buildings and Territory of Multi-Storey Structures Modelling L&E, Vol.32, No.1, 2024

Light & Engineering 32 (1) 2024

Volume 32
Date of publication 02/12/2024
Pages 23–32

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Light Planograph for Insolation Energy Characteristics of Buildings and Territory of Multi-Storey Structures Modelling L&E, Vol.32, No.1, 2024
Articles authors:
Karoum Abdulrahman

Karoum Abdulrahman, postgraduate student at the Department of Architectural and Construction Design and Physics of the Environment of the NRU MGSU. In 2021, he graduated from the Master’s program at the NRU MGSU. In 2016 he graduated from the University Aleppo Syrian Arab Republic with a specialty in civil engineering

This article discusses the problems associated with physical and hygienic studies aimed at determining the influence of insolation – an important climatic factor – on the light, radiation and thermal regime of buildings, and territories in urban development. The article proposes the design of an insolation device of a flatbed type, known as a Svetoplanograph‑2, which can be widely used in solving architectural, construction, urban planning, and energy problems in summer in regions with a warm climate. A method of step-by-step assessment of the insolation-light-thermal regime of buildings and territories with a complex morphological structure of buildings, which is a model of the energy characteristics of insolation, has also been developed. The use of a tablet-type device makes it possible to solve practical urban planning tasks, providing an opportunity to calculate and evaluate the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the insolation regime in order to improve the environmental and climatic situation in urban buildings and development in the summer. The developed method of forecasting the insolation regime using a tablet-type device is the basis for modelling the energy state of insolation in a human environment in buildings and territories of cities with a hot climate.
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