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Three-Wavelength YAG: Nd3+ Laser System for Lidar Sounding of Marine Areas L&E, Vol.30, No.6, 2022

Light & Engineering 30 (6)

Volume 30
Date of publication 12/19/2022
Pages 84–89

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Three-Wavelength YAG: Nd3+ Laser System for Lidar Sounding of Marine Areas L&E, Vol.30, No.6, 2022
Articles authors:
Yury A. Guldin, Ekaterina M. Volodina, Vladislav A. Kukushkin

Yury A. Guldin, graduated from the faculty of physics of the Lomonosov MSU in 1965. Now he is leading researcher at the P.P. Shirshov Oceanology Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Ekaterina M. Volodina, graduated from the faculty of standardisation and metrology of MIREA in 2020. Now she is research engineer at STC UI RAS

Vladislav A. Kukushkin, graduated from the radio electronics and laser engineering faculty of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University in 2021. Now he is the 2-nd year postgraduate student at STC UI RAS

The article presents the results of the UV, visible, and IR spectral range measurements of temporary parameters of single radiation pulses of a modernised RGB laser with an intracavity parametric light oscillator. It is proposed to transform the modernised RGB laser into a three-wave multifunctional laser system generating shorter and more powerful 532 and 452 nm single radiation pulses with quick switching between them. The laser system is designed for operation as part of a marine aviation radio metrical lidar and has an additional channel of safe for sight radiation with wavelength of 1572 nm to control flight altitude above sea level.
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