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Experience in Design-Plastic Modelling of the Light Environment: Part 2. Space and Light as Fragment of the Urban Environment L&E, Vol.30, No.5, 2022

Light & Engineering 30 (5)

Volume 30
Date of publication 10/25/2022
Pages 56–63

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Experience in Design-Plastic Modelling of the Light Environment: Part 2. Space and Light as Fragment of the Urban Environment L&E, Vol.30, No.5, 2022
Articles authors:
Marina A. Sokolova, Natalia V. Bystryantseva, Marina A. Silkina

Marina A. Sokolova, Ph.D. in Architecture, Professor. At present, she is the Professor of Department of Architectural Environment Design, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy) and a member of the Union of Architects of the Russian Federation, also member of the Creative Association of Lighting Designers – RULD

Natalia V. Bystryantseva, Ph. D. in field of Architectural Sciences, Associate Professor. At present, she is the Head of the international educational program “Light Design” at ITMO University. She graduated from SSTU named after Yu.A. Gagarin in 2004 and from Moscow Architectural Institute in 2015. Currently she is a practitioner-researcher in the field of complex lighting solutions for the city and unique architectural objects

Marina A. Silkina is the Associate Professor of Department of Architectural Environment Design at Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), a member of the Union of Designers of the Russian Federation, and a member of the Creative Association of Lighting Designers – RULD

The article presents a technique for creating a plastic and design-plastic light-spatial model based on the layout of the urban environment fragment. It also describes how this model corresponds to electrical lighting parameters. The paper formulates the tasks and potential of plastic and design-plastic light modelling and their role in the concept-based search and educational design of lighting solutions. In terms of this article, the plastic model is understood as a layout that exaggeratedly or generically reveals the spatial characteristics of an urban fragment. The design-plastic model is more detailed; it reveals the features of functioning of the latter both in daylight and in electrical lighting. The final stage of educational light modelling is the creation of a computer model of electrical lighting of an environmental situation.
The authors of this paper studied the tools of electrical lighting and their role in identifying the device of the environmental fragment, in light routes creation and in scenario of the visual form of urban space. Conclusions are given on the further development of the methodology in the field of lighting design, including the assessment of the emotional perception of the architectural environment objects under electrical lighting. The results of this research were then applied as the basis for the practical project work of students who won the competition “Russian Lighting Design” in 2018.
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