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Energy Consumption Indicators for Public Lighting L&E, Vol.30, No.1, 2022

Light & Engineering 30 (1)

Volume 30
Date of publication 02/24/2022
Pages 60–70

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Energy Consumption Indicators for Public Lighting L&E, Vol.30, No.1, 2022
Articles authors:
Grega Bizjak, Matej Bernard Kobav

Grega Bizjak, Ph.D., Professor. At present, he is a Head of Laboratory of Lighting and Photometry at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. He is active in the field of lighting and photometry as well as in the field of electrical power engineering. His main research interests in lighting are photometry, energy efficient indoor and outdoor lighting, use of daylight and use of LEDs in lighting applications. Prof. Bizjak is the President of Slovenian National Committee of CIE and representative of Slovenia in CIE Division 2

Matej Bernard Kobav, Ph.D. and he is the teaching assistant at the Laboratory of Lighting and Photometry at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. The main part of his research field is in the field of lighting. He is mainly engaged in measurements, lighting simulations and exploitation of daylight in the indoor premises. He is also the general secretary of Lighting Engineering Society of Slovenia and Slovenian representative in CIE Division 3

Public outdoor (road) lighting consumes about 1.5 % of total electrical energy consumption [1]. Therefore, if the energy consumption for public lighting can be reduced by 30 % to 50 %, great energy savings can be achieved. With the use of LEDs and modern lighting technology, this is already possible. But to distinguish good sustainable lighting from poor and unsustainable lighting that needs to be refurbished faster, we first need reliable sustainability or energy consumption indicators. This paper presents different sustainability and energy consumption indicators for public lighting and evaluates them, using data on public lighting installations from the 25 EU countries. As shown in the paper, different indicators can give completely different results, so they should be used with caution. The main problem is that not all the data needed is available. Therefore, in the future, other data should be collected in addition to the annual electrical energy consumption for public lighting.
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12. European standard EN13201–5: 2015 Road lighting –Part 5: Energy performance indicators.
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16. Ylinen A. M., Puolakka M., Halonen L., Bizjak G. Road lighting in change – towards better energy-efficiency in Finland // Light & Engineering, 2012, Vol. 20, # 3, pp. 89–95.
17. Data on population from Eurostat for 2007, source dataset: DEMO_GIND, extracted on 08.01.2020, last update: 09.10.2020,
18. Data on Area by NUTS3 region from Eurostat for 2007, extracted on 16.12.2020, last update: 25.08.2020,
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20. Data on real GDP per capita from Eurostat for 2007, source dataset: NAMA_10_PC, extracted on 08.01.2021, last update: 04.01.2021,


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