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Development of Recommendations for Catering Industry Illumination Systems L&E, Vol. 29, No. 6, 2021

Light & Engineering 29 (6)

Volume 29
Date of publication 12/28/2021
Pages 78–85

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Development of Recommendations for Catering Industry Illumination Systems L&E, Vol. 29, No. 6, 2021
Articles authors:
Natalya V. Endiyarova, Nadezhda D. Tolstoba

Natalya V. Endiyarova, BSc. In 2020, she graduated from ITMO University. 1-year master student of ITMO University in the field of Optical Engineering (Master’s Programme Applied Optics)

Nadezhda D. Tolstoba, Ph.D., Associate Professor. In 1998, she graduated from ITMO University. At present, she is an Associate Professor of the Department of Physics and Engineering and the Head of the Student Research Laboratory for Optical Engineering (SRLOE) of ITMO University

The article describes development of the set of recommendations concerning design and modernisation of illumination systems for catering industry. Relevant publications were studied, a number of parameters of illumination systems and colour layouts of catering outlets were reviewed, three scenarios of restaurant illumination were modelled, a questionnaire was developed and potential restaurant visitors (of different gender and age) were surveyed, and the summarised list (set) of recommendations to be used in design of catering outlets was formed.
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