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Methodological Foundations of the Light-Space Design in the Architectural Education L&E, Vol. 29, No. 4, 2021

Light & Engineering 29 (4)

Volume 29
Date of publication 08/20/2021
Pages 144–151

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Methodological Foundations of the Light-Space Design in the Architectural Education L&E, Vol. 29, No. 4, 2021
Articles authors:
Renata A. Nasybullina, Vitaly A. Samogorov, Nikolay I. Shchepetkov

Renata A. Nasybullina, Ph.D. in Architecture, graduated from the magistracy of SamSTU. In 2018 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on “The architectural and artistic role of daylight in the formation of the interior space of buildings in modern architecture” at the dissertation council of NNGASU. Now she is associate professor of the Architecture department in ASA SamSTU

Vitaly A. Samogorov, Ph.D. in Architecture, Professor and Advisor of RAASN. He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at KuISI (Kuibyshev Civil Engineering Institute) in 1980. He finished his postgraduate studies at the Moscow Architectural Institute, in 1986 he defended his candidate thesis on “Architectural and planning reconstruction of industrial enterprises in the historical part of Kuibyshev”. Now he is chief architect of projects in “Pastushenko and Samogorov Architectural Bureau” (PSAB), head of the Architecture department in ASA SamSTU

Nikolay I. Shchepetkov, Dr. of Architecture, Professor. At present, he is a head of the Architectural Physics Department of Moscow Architecture Institute, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (for architectural lighting of Moscow), Editorial Board Member of the Light & Engineering Journal

The perception of an interior building’s space is possible only if it is illuminated with daylight or artificial light. Despite this important fact, many architects pay much more attention to working with traditional building materials, without using the expressive possibilities of daylight as an independent primary material. This paper reveals the role of daylight in the design process, outlines the methodological foundations for designing the luminous space environment of buildings. There are two stages that reveal the method of teaching architectural design, considering light as the main means and material of the architect: developmental exercises (propaedeutics) and designing architectural objects.
Each of the stages is illustrated with examples of experimental search work of students.
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2. Efimov A.V. Shape-forming action of polychromy in architecture // Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1984, 168 p.
3. Nasybullina R.A., Samogorov V.A. Light-space. Evolution of the role of daylight in architecture // Yekaterinburg: TATLIN, 2020, 136 p.
4. Obolensky N.V. Architecture and sun // Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1988, 207 p.
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6. Shchepetkov N.I. Light and the city – what is primary for an architect and for architecture? // Lighting engineering, 2009, #5, pp. 13–17.
7. Shchepetkov N.I. Interspace of lighting design // Science, education and experimental design: Abstracts of the international scientific-practical conference of faculty, young scientists and students, Moscow, April 07–11, 2014 // Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy) Moscow: Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), 2014, pp. 350–352.
8. Baeza, A.C. Light and Gravity // Tokyo: TOTO Publishing Ed. 2009, 375 p.
9. Nasybullina, R. Designing lightspace in contemporary architecture // E3S Web of Conferences: 2018 International Science Conference on Business Technologies for Sustainable Urban Development, SPbWOSCE2018, St. Petersburg, December 10–12, 2018, St. Petersburg: EDP Sciences, 2019, p. 01013.
10. Plummer, H. The architecture of daylight // China: Thames and Hudson Ltd., 2012, 256 p.
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