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Evaluation And Selection Of Colour Spaces For Digital Systems Light & Engineering Vol. 28, No. 6

Light & Engineering 28 (6)

Volume 28
Date of publication 12/21/2020
Pages 86-94


Evaluation And Selection Of Colour Spaces For Digital Systems Light & Engineering Vol. 28, No. 6
Articles authors:
Vera L. Zhbanova

Vera L. Zhbanova graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (TU) in 2011by specialty 05.11.07: Optoelectronic Devices and Systems. In 2016, she received Ph.D. in technical sciences, works as an Associate Professor in the Branch of National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute in Smolensk. Her research interests: colorimetry, digital image processing, radiation receivers, 3D design

The research examined the changing of colour difference by the control colours depending on the choice of colour space when working with matrix photo detector. The spectral characteristics of photo detectors from different manufacturers noticeably differ from each other and from the addition the difference in colour quality between different digital devices. A software method for studying the colour rendition of the image obtained by digital devices based on the selection of an individual colour space for each matrix photo detector is proposed. To analyze and evaluate the capabilities of the spectral characteristics of matrix photo detectors, the control colour method based on the Mansell Atlas was used. The analysis of the obtained parameters of 14 colours was carried out according to various criteria for seven colour spaces: sRGB, AdobeRGB, DCI-P3 RGB, M1N1P1, PAL / SECAM, Wide Gamut RGB, ProPhoto RGB. Also studied the influence of the choice of colour space on the change in the coordinates of the source 6,500 K. Based on the colour differences of the control colours, it is possible to choose the optimal colour space for working with a specific matrix photo detector. The latter will reduce colour distortion at the initial stage of image registration. The ways for improving the colorimetric method of control colours are proposed as applied to digital devices at the software level.
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