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Design, Development and Practical Realization of a VLC Supportive Indoor Lighting System. L&E 28 (3) 2020

Light & Engineering 28 (3)

Volume 28
Date of publication 06/01/2020
Pages 87–97


Design, Development and Practical Realization of a VLC Supportive Indoor Lighting System. L&E 28 (3) 2020
Articles authors:
Sourish Chatterjee, Biswanath Roy

Sourish Chatterjee is pursuing his research study in the area of VLC at the Electrical Engineering Department of Jadavpur University. He completed the graduation course in Electronics and Communication Engineering from The Institution of Engineers (India) in 2008 followed by post-graduation course in Illumination Engineering from the Electrical Engineering Department of Jadavpur University in 2011. He has about eight years of teaching experience in the field of Electronics and Communication engineering. He is a Member of the IEI – The Institution of Engineers (India)

Biswanath Roy, Ph. D. He is associated with the Electrical Engineering Department of Jadavpur University since 2000 as a faculty of Illumination Engineering. He completed Ph. D. (Engg.) in the field of daylighting in 1999 from the Jadavpur University after having M. Sc. (Tech.) in Optics and Optoelectronics from the Department of Applied Physics in 1993 and B. Sc. (Hons.) in Physics in 1989, both from the University of Calcutta. He is a Life Fellow of Indian Society of Lighting Engineers (ISLE), a Life Member of the IEI – The Institution of Engineers (India)

In an office space, an LED-based lighting system allows you to perform the function of a data transmitter. This article discusses the cost-effective design and development of a data-enabled LED driver that can transmit data along with its receiving part. In addition, this paper clearly outlines the application of the proposed VLC system in an office environment where ambient light interference is a severe issue of concern. The result shows satisfactory lighting characteristics in general for this area in terms of average horizontal illuminance and illuminance uniformity. At the same time, to evaluate real-time and static communication performance, Arduino interfaced MATLAB Simulink model is developed, which shows good communication performance in terms of BER (10–7) even in presence of ambient light noise with 6 dB signal to interference plus noise ratio. Our designed system is also flexible to work as a standalone lighting system, whenever data communication is not required.
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