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The Impact of Light Polarisation on Light Field of Scenes with Multiple Reflections L&E 28 (1) 2020

Light & Engineering 28 (1)

Volume 28
Date of publication 02/20/2020
Pages 108–115


The Impact of Light Polarisation on Light Field of Scenes with Multiple Reflections L&E 28 (1) 2020
Articles authors:
Vladimir P. Budak, Anton V. Grimaylo

Vladimir P. Budak, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences. In 1981, he graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI). At present, he is the Editor-in-Chief of the Svetotekhnika / Light & Engineering journals, Professor of the Subdepartment of Light and Engineering in NRU “MPEI”. Full member of the Academy of Electrotechnical Sciences of Russia

Anton V. Grimaylo, Master Student of NRU MPEI (Light Engineering sub-department)

The article describes the role of polarisation in calculation of multiple reflections. A mathematical model of multiple reflections based on the Stokes vector for beam description and Mueller matrices for description of surface properties is presented. On the basis of this model, the global illumination equation is generalised for the polarisation case and is resolved into volume integration. This allows us to obtain an expression for the Monte Carlo method local estimates and to use them for evaluation of light distribution in the scene with consideration of polarisation. The obtained mathematical model was implemented in the software environment using the example of a scene with its surfaces having both diffuse and regular components of reflection. The results presented in the article show that the calculation difference may reach 30 % when polarisation is taken into consideration as compared to standard modelling.
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