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Interrelation of Architectural Concepts and Principles of Artificial Lighting in the Moscow Concert Hall Zaryadye. L&E 27 (3) 2019

Light & Engineering 27 (3)

Volume 27
Date of publication 08/06/2019
Pages 4–13


Interrelation of Architectural Concepts and Principles of Artificial Lighting in the Moscow Concert Hall Zaryadye. L&E 27 (3) 2019
Articles authors:
Maria M. Ilyevskaya

Maria M. Ilyevskaya, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Architecture in 1999. She has got Master of Advanced Studies in History and Theory of Architecture from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Zurich, 2014). At present, she is architect, Head of Research and Communications Department, TPO Reserve, LLC, senior lecturer of the Science Centre “Architecture and Computer Technologies” Chair of the Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), member of the Union of Moscow Architects

The article is focused on the analysis of the Zaryadye Concert Hall building in Moscow in terms of the significance of artificial lighting for the creation of the imagery and perception of this facility within the typology of entertainment music-oriented buildings. Through the example of modern places of entertainment, the author reveals a number of formal features (typological attributes), which, being common to buildings of this function, constitute the basis of their image and become obvious due to the realized lighting concept. The interpretation of these attributes in the interaction of architectural planning and lighting concepts in the Zaryadye Concert Hall is traced. In conclusion, the distinctive features of the building under consideration are determined. At the same time, they reflect a new understanding of concert halls as a building type, the changes related to the overall development of architecture, as well as the elements of the individual architectural language.
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