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Legal Providing of Application of Energy Effective Lightning Technology and Intellectual Networks in the Conditions of Digital Economy. L&E 27 (№1. 2019)

Light & Engineering 27 (1)

Volume 27
Date of publication 02/20/2019
Pages 123–128


Legal Providing of Application of Energy Effective Lightning Technology and Intellectual Networks in the Conditions of Digital Economy. L&E 27 (№1. 2019)
Articles authors:
Maksim V. Demchenko, Rostislav O. Ruchkin, Eugenia P. Simaeva

Maksim V. Demchenko, Ph.D. (Science of Law), Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity for Scientific Work, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Rostislav O. Ruchkin, Ph.D. (Science of Law), Legal Adviser of first category of Banking Supervision Legal Support Department, Legal Department, Bank of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Eugenia P. Simaeva, Ph.D. (Science of Low), Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

The article substantiates the expediency of improving the legal support for the introduction and use of energy-efficient lighting equipment, as well as smart networks (Smart Grid), taking into account the ongoing digitalization of the Russian economy and electric power industry. The goal of scientific research is formulated, which is to develop practical recommendations on optimization of the public relations legal regulation in the digital power engineering sector. The research methodology is represented by the interaction of the legal and sociological aspects of the scientific methods system. The current regulatory and legal basis for the transformation of digital electricity relations has been determined. The need to modernize the system of the new technologies introduction legal regulation for generation, storage, transmission of energy, intelligent networks, including a riskbased management model, is established. A set of standardsetting measures was proposed to transform the legal regulation of public relations in the field of energyefficient lighting equipment with the aim of creating and effectively operating a single digital environment, both at the Federal and regional levels. A priority is set for the development of “smart” power grids and highly efficient power equipment in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation through a set of legal, economic (financial), edu cational measures.
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