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 Light & Engineering 26 (3)

Light & Engineering 26 (3)

Volume 26
Date of publication 09/28/2018
Pages 124-131


Comfort Light Environment under Natural and Combined Lighting Method of Their Characteristics Definition with Subjective Expert Appraisal Using. L&E 26 (3) 2018
Articles authors:
Nina A. Muraviova, Alexei K. Soloviev, Sergei V. Stetsky

Ph.D. in technical sciences, graduated from NRU MGSU in 2012. At present time, she is employee of the retail company X5 Retail Group

Prof., Dr. of technical sciences. He graduated in 1965 from Moscow Institute named after V.V. Kuibyshev. At present, he is the Professor of the department “Design of buildings and structures” (former department of “Architecture of civil and industrial buildings”) of the NRU “MGSU”. He is a Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and the editorial board of the “Lighting Engineering” and “Svetotekhnika”, has the titles of “Honorary Builder of the Russian Federation” and “Honoured Worker of the Higher School of Russia”

Ph.D. in technical sciences, Associate Professor, graduated from Moscow Institute named after V.V. Kuibyshev in 1970. At present, he is an Associate Professor at the chair “Design of Buildings and Structures” (former department of “Architecture of Civil and Industrial Buildings”) NRU “MGSU”

Light comfort in the room is characterized by the conditions of visual work, which are determined by the levels of illumination of the workplace and the saturation of the entire room with light. The related problems were solved mainly for artificial illumination. The article examines the results of research in our country and abroad by determining the criterion for the comfort of lighting rooms with artificial and natural light. It is pointed out that such studies are obviously insufficient, and suggestions are given on their development.
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