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Light & Engineering 26 (1)

Light & Engineering 26 (1)

Volume 26
Date of publication 03/30/2018
Pages 120-126


Measuring the Sea Water Absorption Factor Using Integrating Sphere. L&E 26 (1) 2018
Articles authors:
Dmitry I. Glukhovets, Sergei V. Sheberstov, Oleg V. Kopelevich, Anna F. Zaytseva, Sergey I. Pogosyan

junior researcher of the IO RAS, a first year post graduate student of the MIPT

a mechanic, graduated from the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of the MSU in 1967. Senior research scientist of the IO RAS

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, graduated from the MIPT in 1965. At present, he is a Chief researcher and Head of the laboratory of Ocean Optics of the IO RAS

a biophysicist, graduated from the Biology Faculty of the MSU in 2014 with a specialisation in biophysics. A third year post graduate student of the MSU

Doctor of Biology, Professor, graduated from the Physical Faculty of the MSU in 1970, Professor of the Biology department of the MSU

Practical questions of quickly determining the sea water absorption factor using an integrating sphere are considered: measurement technique and data processing, as well as reference solution calibration. Numerical experiments using the Monte-Carlo method are performed to evaluate the influence of the device features (absence of spherical symmetry and the presence of a reflection specular component from the quartz shell) on the determination of the absorption factor considering scattering properties of the medium. Examples of how the results of the proposed technique can be used are given under the conditions of sea expeditions.
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